====== Sapphire Portal ====== {{ :kb:sapphireportal:scp_page.png?nolink&300|}} /* * This is the Knowledge Base namespace "start page" template. * * If you are starting a new namespace (a new category) keep the template seen below. * * If you are creating a new page WITHIN an existing namespace, you can delete this information and start with a clean page. * * {{ kb:sapphireportal :startimage.png?nolink&400|Alt Text Here}} ************************************************************ */ Sapphire Community Portal is a web site for students and parents/guardians to get up to date information on their students schedule, grades, demographic information, messaging and documents from the school. The site can be accessed by going to [[https://pavcs-sapphire.k12system.com/CommunityWebPortal/_auth/index.cfm/security/login/|Sapphire-SCP]] **Additional Support:** [[https://pavcs-sapphire.k12system.com/CommunityWebPortal/_auth/index.cfm/faq|Sapphire Portal FAQ]] ---- ===== PA Virtual Articles ===== ~~NOCACHE~~